Thursday, 8 June 2017

FDDI helping more and more students getting skilled in the field of manufacturing of leather goods and footwear industry

Footwear design and development institute is growing leaps and bounds, more and more applicants are applying for various courses offered by FDDI. The exam for undergraduate as well as post graduate courses is due to be held shortly and thus time there has been a record number of applicants who have applied to sit for the exam.

The Indian footwear and leather goods are demanded not only by Indians but also internationally. Since India is blessed with cheap raw material as well as very affordable labour that’s why more and more international companies are providing orders to Indian manufacturers. Many also wish to set up factories and industries, however the Ministry of Commerce wants to full fill all the international orders by making use of Indian industry as it helps grow Indian economy.

Not only does it provide employment but also adds to the GDP of the country. However one needs to realise that in order to understand the requirements of the international customer one needs to be skilled so that minimum wastage happens and the product gets approved in the very first go.
Here at FDDI, students are taught to design the sample keeping in mind the requirements of the customer and once it gets approved, they are also taught to price them according to the demand and supply of the material and the final product. Apart from pricing they are also taught how to market the product so that there is maximum consumption and minimum wastage. FDDI has had a brilliant track record in providing placement to its students in the past and many have also started their own business and are dealing in wide scale production for both Indian demand as well as international demand.

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