Wednesday, 24 May 2017

FDDI preparing students, to take control of the excess demand in the field of footwear from both domestic as well as the world market

There is a lot about Footwear design and development institute is  in news lately as it has been approved by the Rajya sabha and is due to be approved in the Lok Sabha. Once the Fddi bill will be approved in both the houses then automatically a lot of investment will be poured in the footwear and leather goods segment. The Ministry of commerce currently is also working quite hard to uplift the sector as it has a lot of potential.

It has been seen that there is a lot of demand of both leather goods as well as footwear both domestically as well as internationally which India is not able to take care of. Since India has a lot of skill full people but alas they are not trained to use the modern techniques, therefore FDDI along with the ministry of commerce aims at training more and more people so that they are able to make use of their skills and are able to make use of their modern facilities and are able to deliver better quality products at a cheaper price.

Footwear design and development institute has several campuses all across India and is aiming to open yet another 5 campuses in the year 2017 so that more and more students can take admission in variety of courses which are offered in FDDI. The FDDI offers both undergraduate as well as post graduate courses which not only prepares student in practical aspect but also teaches them the theoretical aspect of manufacturing a footwear. Along with this it also teaches students to estimate the demand and supply and thus estimate the correct price for a footwear.

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